Climbing Shoe Repairs
Climbing Shoe Repairs
Repairing climbing shoes is a skilled job. If you need to be assured of Feet First's quality repairs and service, ask your specialist retailer, original manufacturer or fellow climbers and walkers.
Is it time to repair your climbing shoes?
Rock boots have a level of optimum performance when the rubber is clean, the boot broken in and the climber warmed up! As rubber wears down it begins to lose its stick. Once there is pitting or scaling of the sole, or a puncture, the boot isn’t going to provide such a secure purchase. Resoling at this early stage gets the best results.
We usually recommend toe patches as a means of further improving the long term performance of the repair. Toe patches are blended into the profile of the sole and the rand to prevent excessive wear and tear and the possibility of an early rand puncture. Boots are first scoured clean of the worn sole and rand prior to priming for the new sole unit.
A completed boot will need a small amount of breaking in to your climbing style and foot shape. Feet First can be relied upon to restore your rock climbing footwear to its peak level of performance. .
The best materials, together with thirty three years experience in repairing rock boots means that we can guarantee the performance of your resoled boots – a guarantee supported by our close liaison with Red Chili, Wild Country, Bigstone, Unparallel, Boreal, La Sportiva and Scarpa.
For all other types of repairs, quotations are supplied on request. Please download our Order Form for repair options or visit our online Shopwhere we sell a selection of accessories.
If you do not see the repair or product you require or you need a specific quote, please call us on 01246 260 795 or email us at [email protected]
Note - We only use the original manufacturers rubber on repairs